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Thinking outside the presentation box

Do you start from scratch each time you create a presentation? Curious about how to take the ho-hum out of your slides? These tips from the SlideShare community will save you time and offer new ways to think about your design...


Presentation Design Trends

Powerpoint design trends

In his presentation Good Powerpoint Design, Alexander Osterwalder takes us through the four essential steps for creating a compelling slidedeck. We hope that you'll find inspiration in these 28 PowerPoint and Keynote design examples from Mark Vardy. Notice how he integrates text with images. Challenge yourself to create a presentation without bullet points and your results will definitely be outside the box.

black background design trend

As for color, we're noticing an increase in the number of opening slides that use black as the dominant color. Even when the rest of the slideshow goes back to a white or colorful background. You can find more examples in the blog post "Your slideshow's little black dress."


Sponsorship for your slidedeck? Why not?


Speaking of thinking outside the box, we're seeing a flurry of good ideas that use slideshows for more than one purpose. Joomla founder Brian Teeman came up with a clever way to raise funds to cover travel expenses for speaking. Since many of the Joomla events have little or no budget, this makes perfect sense. Here is Brian's offer: "I am now announcing that I am selling a logo and link on each slide of my next major presentation."


Let your slideshow multi-task for you


Have you tried integrating your slideshows with other media. Take a look at how Inside View promotes a Facebook contest on this slideshow: Metallica's Dreamforce 2011. In order to drive traffic to their contest Facebook, Inside View inserted a link into one of the final slides. The link takes you straight to the contest page on Facebook.




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